So you are interested in starting yoga? Then you have come to the right place! Those of us at Soulshine are here to help you every step of the way! Yoga has numerous benefits including reducing stress & anxiety, reducing inflammation, improving mood, reducing chronic pain, promoting balance, strength and flexibility, improving sleep quality, improved breathing, and the list goes on!
Yet even knowing all of this, going to a new place, to do something you’ve never done before, with people you don’t know- can be quite intimidating! We have all been there! It takes courage to do something you have never done and I applaud you for being willing to try something new. In hopes of alleviating any newbie jitters, here are some tips and suggestions to help direct you and hopefully make you feel a bit more comfortable :)
Helpful tips and info:
*Wait 2-3 hours after eating to practice yoga
*Refrain from wearing perfumes/heavy scents to class
*Bring water
*Yoga is practiced barefoot to provide better stability and balance. Upon entering shoes are removed and depending on the class socks can be removed during class.
*Wear comfortable clothing
*Leave your phone in your car or at home please
*Leave bags in the car as we do not have cubbies and there is not enough room on the practice space
*Please arrive 10-15 minutes early
*Please let your instructor know of any medical issues/injuries you are dealing with, if you are pregnant and/or any questions you may have before class.
*yes, we have mats you can use!
*Don’t worry if you are unable to do certain poses! There are alternative poses/ modifications your teacher can provide. Patience is an important part of this practice.
*You do not have to be flexible or in any particular shape to do yoga. Forget the images you see on the internet! All you need is an open mind and a willingness to accept who you are and where you are at.
Where to start:
At Soulshine we have a variety of classes and different teachers to meet your unique needs. Find a class that is right for you! The best way to do this is to purchase a sampler pass which allows you to take as many classes as you want within a certain amount of days.
Click here to purchase a 7 day sampler
Click here to purchase a 14 day sampler
Click here to purchase a or 30 day sampler
While beginners are welcome at all of our classes, it may be best to start with a slower paced class, to get comfortable with alignment and basic yoga foundation.
Here are some classes to explore as a beginner:
Monday 5:00pm Yin & Restorative Blend
Tuesday 10:30am Chair Yoga
Wednesday 9:00am Floor Yoga Blend
Wednesday 4:00pm Afternoon Yoga Refresh
Thursday 4:30pm Gentle Yoga
Saturday 9:30am Hatha Yoga
Sunday 10:00am Gentle Yoga
Sunday 5:30pm Sunday Serenity Flow
Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 7:00am Morning Flow
Please inform your teacher of any medical issues, physical limitations or if you are pregnant BEFORE class. Some medical issues can be more physically inhibiting than others. If you cannot get up and down unassisted, cannot put weight on your knees/arms, are recovering or have recently had surgery, or are pregnant, YES you are still welcome to class! Please email me at so we can be prepared to keep you safe and supported in your practice.
Please contact us if you have further questions. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you on your yoga journey.
Kindest Regards,
Kaleena Roch
Yoga is an ancient tradition (5,000+ years old!) which is both a state of being (state of union), and also the practices used to get there. It is much more than just a physical exercise. There are 8 limbs that make up the path of yoga described in the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali (a well known yoga book that outlines theories and practice of yoga) These are: 1.yamas (abstinences/social ethics), 2.niyamas (personal observances) 3.asana (yoga postures), 4.pranayama (breath control), 5.pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), 6.dharana (concentration), 7.dhyana (meditation) and 8.samadhi (absorption). Classes may incorporate some of these other limbs into your practice.